Book Recreational Swimming

Register or join to book up to 8 days in advance

Time Duration Venue Instructor Availability
08.30 2hr Scotstoun
09.00 2hr Gorbals
09.00 1hr Springburn
09.00 1hr Tollcross
10.00 2hr Springburn
10.00 1hr Tollcross
10.30 2hr Scotstoun
11.00 2hr Gorbals
11.00 1hr Tollcross
12.00 2hr Springburn
12.00 1hr Tollcross
12.30 2hr Scotstoun
13.00 2hr Gorbals
13.00 2hr Gorbals
13.00 1hr 30mins Maryhill
13.00 1hr Tollcross
14.00 2hr Springburn
14.00 1hr Tollcross
14.30 1hr 30mins Maryhill
14.30 1hr Scotstoun
15.00 3hr Gorbals
15.00 1hr Tollcross
16.00 2hr Scotstoun
18.00 2hr Scotstoun
Time Duration Venue Instructor Availability
06.00 1hr Springburn
06.15 1hr 45mins Gorbals
06.30 2hr Scotstoun
07.00 1hr 15mins Tollcross
07.30 2hr Maryhill
08.00 1hr 30mins Gorbals
08.15 1hr 15mins Tollcross
08.30 2hr Scotstoun
09.00 1hr Easterhouse Pool
10.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
10.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
10.00 1hr Easterhouse Pool
10.00 2hr Springburn
10.30 1hr Easterhouse Pool
10.30 2hr Scotstoun
11.00 1hr Easterhouse Pool
11.15 45mins Tollcross
11.45 1hr 15mins Maryhill
12.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
12.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
12.00 2hr Springburn
12.00 1hr Tollcross
12.30 2hr Scotstoun
13.00 1hr 30mins Easterhouse Pool
13.00 1hr Tollcross
14.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
14.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
14.00 2hr Pollok
14.00 2hr Springburn
14.00 1hr Tollcross
14.30 1hr 30mins Drumchapel Pool
14.30 1hr 30mins Maryhill
14.30 2hr Scotstoun
15.00 2hr Castlemilk Pool
15.00 2hr 45mins Castlemilk Pool
15.00 1hr Gorbals
15.00 2hr North Woodside
15.00 1hr Tollcross
16.00 2hr Pollok
16.00 2hr Springburn
16.30 2hr Scotstoun
17.00 1hr North Woodside
18.00 2hr Pollok
18.00 1hr 30mins Springburn
18.30 1hr Scotstoun
19.30 1hr 30mins Springburn
20.30 1hr Scotstoun
21.00 1hr Gorbals
Time Duration Venue Instructor Availability
06.00 1hr 30mins Springburn
06.30 2hr Scotstoun
07.30 1hr 45mins Springburn
08.30 2hr Scotstoun
09.00 3hr Gorbals
09.00 2hr Gorbals
10.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
10.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
10.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
10.00 2hr North Woodside
10.00 2hr Springburn
10.00 1hr Tollcross
10.30 2hr Scotstoun
11.00 2hr Gorbals
11.00 2hr North Woodside
11.00 1hr Tollcross
11.45 1hr 15mins Maryhill
12.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
12.00 1hr Drumchapel Pool
12.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
12.00 1hr 30mins Springburn
12.15 45mins Tollcross
12.30 2hr Scotstoun
13.00 2hr Gorbals
13.00 2hr North Woodside
13.30 1hr 30mins Springburn
13.45 2hr 15mins Drumchapel Pool
14.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
14.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
14.00 1hr 45mins Pollok
14.00 1hr Tollcross
14.30 1hr 30mins Easterhouse Pool
14.30 2hr Maryhill
14.30 2hr Scotstoun
15.00 2hr Castlemilk Pool
15.00 2hr Castlemilk Pool
15.00 2hr Gorbals
15.00 1hr North Woodside
15.00 1hr Tollcross
16.00 1hr Easterhouse Pool
16.30 2hr Maryhill
16.30 2hr Scotstoun
17.00 2hr Castlemilk Pool
17.00 1hr Easterhouse Pool
17.00 2hr Gorbals
18.00 1hr Easterhouse Pool
18.30 1hr 30mins Maryhill
19.00 1hr 45mins Castlemilk Pool
19.00 1hr Easterhouse Pool
19.30 2hr Scotstoun
20.00 2hr Gorbals
Time Duration Venue Instructor Availability
06.00 2hr Springburn
06.30 2hr Scotstoun
07.00 1hr Tollcross
07.30 2hr Maryhill
08.00 1hr 30mins Gorbals
08.00 1hr 45mins Springburn
08.00 1hr Tollcross
08.30 2hr Scotstoun
09.00 2hr Castlemilk Pool
09.00 1hr Easterhouse Pool
09.00 2hr Gorbals
09.00 1hr Tollcross
09.30 2hr Maryhill
10.00 1hr North Woodside
10.00 2hr Pollok
10.00 1hr Easterhouse Pool
10.30 2hr Scotstoun
10.30 1hr 30mins Springburn
11.00 2hr Gorbals
11.00 2hr Castlemilk Pool
11.00 1hr Easterhouse Pool
11.15 1hr 45mins North Woodside
11.30 2hr Maryhill
11.45 1hr 15mins Tollcross
12.00 2hr Springburn
12.00 1hr Easterhouse Pool
12.00 2hr Pollok
12.30 2hr Scotstoun
13.00 1hr 45mins Castlemilk Pool
13.00 2hr Gorbals
13.00 2hr North Woodside
13.00 1hr Tollcross
13.30 2hr Maryhill
14.00 2hr Pollok
14.00 2hr Springburn
14.00 1hr Tollcross
14.30 1hr 30mins Gorbals
14.30 1hr Scotstoun
15.00 1hr Tollcross
15.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
15.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
15.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
15.00 2hr Gorbals
15.00 1hr North Woodside
15.30 2hr 30mins Maryhill
16.00 2hr Scotstoun
16.00 1hr Springburn
17.00 1hr 30mins Drumchapel Pool
17.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
17.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
17.00 2hr Gorbals
17.30 1hr Springburn
18.00 2hr Scotstoun
19.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
19.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
19.00 2hr Gorbals
19.00 2hr Springburn
19.15 1hr 45mins Drumchapel Pool
20.15 1hr Tollcross
20.30 1hr Scotstoun
21.15 45mins Tollcross
Time Duration Venue Instructor Availability
06.00 1hr 30mins Springburn
06.15 1hr 45mins Gorbals
06.30 2hr Scotstoun
07.30 1hr 45mins Maryhill
07.30 1hr 30mins Springburn
08.30 2hr Scotstoun
09.00 2hr Castlemilk Pool
09.00 2hr Gorbals
09.30 2hr 30mins Gorbals
10.00 1hr 15mins Maryhill
10.00 2hr Pollok
10.00 1hr Springburn
10.30 1hr Scotstoun
11.00 2hr Castlemilk Pool
11.00 2hr Gorbals
11.00 1hr Springburn
11.30 2hr Scotstoun
12.00 1hr Maryhill
12.00 1hr Springburn
12.00 1hr Castlemilk Pool
12.15 45mins Tollcross
13.00 1hr 45mins Castlemilk Pool
13.00 2hr Gorbals
13.00 1hr Springburn
13.00 1hr Tollcross
13.30 2hr Scotstoun
14.00 2hr Pollok
14.00 1hr Tollcross
14.30 2hr Maryhill
14.30 1hr 30mins Easterhouse Pool
15.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
15.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
15.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
15.00 2hr Gorbals
15.00 1hr 30mins North Woodside
15.00 2hr Springburn
15.00 1hr Tollcross
16.00 1hr Easterhouse Pool
16.00 1hr Tollcross
16.30 2hr Maryhill
16.30 1hr 30mins North Woodside
17.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
17.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
17.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
17.00 1hr Easterhouse Pool
17.00 2hr Gorbals
17.00 2hr Springburn
17.00 1hr Tollcross
18.00 1hr Easterhouse Pool
18.00 1hr North Woodside
18.30 2hr Maryhill
18.45 2hr 15mins North Woodside
19.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
19.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
19.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
19.00 1hr Easterhouse Pool
19.00 2hr Gorbals
20.30 1hr Scotstoun
21.00 1hr Gorbals
Time Duration Venue Instructor Availability
06.00 1hr 30mins Springburn
06.15 1hr 45mins Gorbals
06.30 1hr Scotstoun
07.00 1hr Tollcross
07.30 2hr Maryhill
07.30 1hr 45mins Springburn
08.00 1hr 30mins Gorbals
08.00 1hr Tollcross
09.00 1hr 30mins Easterhouse Pool
09.00 2hr Gorbals
09.00 1hr Tollcross
09.30 2hr Scotstoun
10.00 1hr Tollcross
10.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
10.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
10.00 2hr 30mins Drumchapel Pool
10.00 1hr 30mins North Woodside
10.00 2hr Pollok
10.30 1hr Easterhouse Pool
10.30 2hr Gorbals
11.00 2hr North Woodside
11.00 45mins Tollcross
11.30 3hr Easterhouse Pool
11.30 2hr Scotstoun
11.45 1hr 15mins Maryhill
12.00 1hr Tollcross
12.00 2hr Pollok
12.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
12.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
12.15 1hr 45mins North Woodside
12.30 2hr Gorbals
13.00 1hr Tollcross
13.00 2hr Gorbals
13.00 2hr Springburn
13.15 1hr 30mins Drumchapel Pool
13.30 2hr Scotstoun
14.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
14.00 2hr Drumchapel Pool
14.00 2hr North Woodside
14.00 2hr Pollok
14.00 1hr Tollcross
14.30 2hr Gorbals
14.30 1hr 30mins Maryhill
14.30 1hr 30mins Springburn
14.45 1hr 15mins Drumchapel Pool
15.00 1hr Tollcross
15.00 2hr Gorbals
15.30 2hr Scotstoun
16.00 2hr Springburn
16.30 2hr 30mins Gorbals
17.00 2hr Gorbals
17.30 2hr Scotstoun
18.00 1hr Springburn
19.00 1hr Gorbals
19.30 2hr Scotstoun
19.30 1hr 30mins Springburn
Time Duration Venue Instructor Availability
08.00 1hr Springburn
09.00 2hr Gorbals
09.00 2hr Maryhill
09.45 1hr 45mins Scotstoun
11.00 2hr Gorbals
11.00 2hr Maryhill
11.30 2hr Scotstoun
13.00 2hr Gorbals
13.00 2hr Gorbals
13.00 1hr 30mins Maryhill
13.00 1hr 30mins Springburn
13.30 2hr Scotstoun
14.30 1hr 30mins Maryhill
14.30 1hr 30mins Springburn
15.00 3hr Gorbals
15.00 3hr Gorbals
15.30 2hr Scotstoun

Important Information

For information about:

  • how to access swimming 
  • supervision ratios for children
  • what to wear when swimming

please see our general Swimming information page

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