Book Strength & Balance Circuit (Vitality)

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Strength & Balance Circuit (Vitality) is unavailable on this day.

Strength & Balance Circuit (Vitality) is unavailable on this day.

Strength & Balance Circuit (Vitality) is unavailable on this day.

Time Duration Venue Instructor Availability
12.00 1hr Tollcross Lisa Sullivan
Time Duration Venue Instructor Availability
14.45 1hr Bellahouston Allan Duncan

Strength & Balance Circuit (Vitality) is unavailable on this day.

Strength & Balance Circuit (Vitality) is unavailable on this day.

What is Vitality?

Our fun and friendly Vitality classes have been specially designed to help people living with a range of medical conditions including: Parkinson's disease, MS, Stroke, Cardiac Conditions, Osteoporosis, Cognitive impairments and COPD..

They are also suitable if someone has a fear of falling or find that strength and balance issues are impacting on daily life. Our welcoming and supportive instructors will give you the confidence to join in, get active and lead a fuller, more independent life.

There are four 'levels' of class. Not sure what is right for you? Find out more below. We can also help guide you to a level of activity that best suits your needs, making sure you are safe, comfortable and above all else having fun.

If you'd like additional advice, please call us for more information on 0141 287 9882 or you can find out more by emailing us