GC Tollcross Accessible Parking

Glasgow Club is reaching out to address a growing concern about use of accessible parking bays at Glasgow Club Tollcross.

Some members are parking in these bays without displaying a blue badge. While we understand parking space can be limited, it is important to prioritise the needs of those with disabilities who rely on these spaces above others.

We kindly request co-operation in ensuring these bays are only used by those with valid blue badges. This seemingly small act of consideration goes a long way in supporting the well-being of the wider community.

Unfortunately the law only applies to "on-street" accessible parking so fines cannot be applied and we must focus the time and attention of our staff on the safety and quality of experience inside the venue rather than waiting to spot inappropriate use of parking spaces.

We thank everyone for their understanding and support in maintaining a respectful and considerate atmosphere for all. Together, we can ensure our club and the venues included in it remain a welcoming space for all members, regardless of their abilities.