Manage App Notifications
Choose which push notifications you receive
It seems every app installed on your phone wants to send you "push notifications" - the pop-up banners that appear, usually interrupting you when you're trying to do something else!
We know this can be irritating. At the same time, we don't want you to miss important details of changes, closures or improvements at Glasgow Club. Within our app you can control which topics you are notified about. This step-by-step guide explains how and there's a video tutorial at the foot of the page.
1. Open "Conversations"
Tap the "speech bubble" in the top-right corner of any venue home screen in the Glasgow Club app. You can do this any time to review messages you've previously read or check for new ones. A red badge shows when there are unread messages (and how many).
2. Choose a "conversation" topic
We group messages by "conversation" topic. Tap any conversation,to change settings. E.g. Tap "Swimming News" if you don't want to receive push notifications about swimming pools.
3. Open "Settings"
Tap the cog at the top-right of the screen to open settings for the conversation (topic) you're currently viewing messages about. You'll also see a bell with a line through it if notifications are already switched off for this conversation.
4. Switch notifications on/off
Here you'll see a description of the current conversation topic and you can simply tap the switch to toggle between push notifications being switched on or off.
We recommend having notifications switched ON for the Glasgow Club App - then you can switch them OFF for all "conversations" that don't concern you.
New messages will still appear in muted conversations but no banner/sound appears on your phone screen while doing something else.
If you never receive ANY push notifications they may be switched off on your phone entirely, or for specific apps, including the Glasgow Club app. These links will tell you more about how to change this, depending which type of phone you have: