Make Bookings
Before you start
Most Glasgow Club activities can be booked 7-days ahead. You can visit reception, book, pay and walk into an activity if there's space, but self-service using our app or online booking page means you can guarantee a space, it's quicker for everyone and keeps phone lines free for those with no alternative.
You first need to be registered with us for self-service. If you have (or have ever had) a membership or made Pay As You Go bookings there's a good chance you gave us an email address and may have chosen a password. Forgotten your password or never set one? Visit enter your email and follow the instructions we send.
NOTE when resetting your password: if there are multiple accounts on our system with the same email you'll need the Member ID for the account you want to reset. This is different from the Card ID next to the barcode on a membership card. Get help with how to find your Member ID
Not registered or not a member yet? Compare memberships and sign up for one or register free for Pay As You Go (PAYG) bookings. All this is available on our membership comparison page.
Booking a child into activities
- Recreational Swimming, Soft Play, Clip n' Climb and PlayGym have allow group/family bookings under one login. Pre-booking a swim is NOT required but it can make things quicker for you and everyone else at reception and we do recommend checking our app for times.
- To benefit from any membership entitlement a separate booking is required. If you and your partner are going swimming and you both have memberships you'd be better to book individually as a group booking only knows the logged in user gets it at no charge.
- Children CAN be registered using your email but their password MUST differ from yours. We recommend a different email if possible. If you do use the same email make a careful note somewhere of the unique Member ID associated with each account.
- It's vital you log out of your own account, then log in with the email and password specific to the child account you want to secure a space for.
- You can check which user account is logged in by tapping "My Info" in our mobile app or the "My Account" button at the top the page if you're on our booking website.
Booking for a family or multiple children
- You can make a 'party booking' (by which we mean a group or family booking) for Recreatonal Swimming, Soft Play, Clip n' Climb or Play Gym. When you choose a session there are options to add additional participants.
- Membership entitlement is only recognised for the person logged in so if any member of your group has a membership that includes the activity (e.g. swimming), they should book for themselves to save money.
- If you're not registered, our app will give you an idea of session times/spaces and we recommend you book and pay by card either by phone or visiting reception
- You can also visit the venue at the time of your session and make one payment by card at reception but please note we can't guarantee there will be space.
- Please only make and pay for bookings you're sure you will be able to attend.
- Bookings paid by card cannot be cancelled using our app or website.
- If you can't attend an activity included in membership, please cancel using our app or booking website, ideally 24-hours or more before the start so that someone else can use the space.
- To cancel a booking in the app, tap My Bookings, then tap the booking and choose cancel. If there's no option to cancel then it's either a paid booking or it's too late (less than 1 minute before it starts for most activities). See our FAQ on why 'paid' bookings can't be cancelled.
- To cancel using our online booking website, choose Manage Bookings from the menu (three lines at the top-right of a phone/tablet screen) and click the "Bin" icon next to a class. If it's greyed out, then it's either a paid booking or it's too late to cancel.
- See our FAQ on why 'paid' bookings can't be cancelled.
- If a classes you want to book is full, a number of people tend to change their mind in the days and hours leading up to the class so keep an eye on our app or booking system for spaces appearing.
- We're currently receiving a high volume of enquiries so we're unable to process refunds for missed sessions. Should Glasgow Life have to cancel a session we will automatically issue a refund for any PAYG payments made online. Refunds for cash and card payments made at the venue can be provided at reception using the original payment method.
- If you regularly book activities which overlap, cancel at short notice or fail to attend, we may get in touch with you and ultimately may need to restrict your ability to book in line with our terms and conditions of booking and membership.
- When sessions are fully booked we are unable to allow access to any additional attendees to protect the safety of customers and staff.