Book Women-only Swimming

Register or join to book up to 8 days in advance

Women-only Swimming is unavailable on this day.

Women-only Swimming is unavailable on this day.

Women-only Swimming is unavailable on this day.

Women-only Swimming is unavailable on this day.

Women-only Swimming is unavailable on this day.

Women-only Swimming is unavailable on this day.

Women-only Swimming is unavailable on this day.

Important Information

For information about:

  • how to access swimming 
  • supervision ratios for children
  • what to wear when swimming

please see our general Swimming information page

Sessions run over a multiple hours but there is no need to arrive at the scheduled start time - you are welcome to come along up to one hour before the end and join in. 

NOTE: While booking in advance is not required, we strongly recommend it. These sessions are very popular and for everyone's safety we must limit numbers in the pool at any given time.