Book Softplay

Register or join to book up to 8 days in advance

Softplay is unavailable on this day.

Time Duration Venue Instructor Availability
09.30 1hr 45mins Kelvin Hall
11.30 1hr 45mins Kelvin Hall
13.30 1hr 45mins Kelvin Hall
15.30 1hr 45mins Kelvin Hall
17.15 1hr 45mins Kelvin Hall
Time Duration Venue Instructor Availability
09.30 1hr 45mins Kelvin Hall
11.30 1hr 45mins Kelvin Hall
13.30 1hr 45mins Kelvin Hall
15.30 1hr 45mins Kelvin Hall
17.15 1hr 45mins Kelvin Hall
Time Duration Venue Instructor Availability
09.00 1hr 45mins Kelvin Hall
11.15 1hr 45mins Kelvin Hall
13.30 1hr 45mins Kelvin Hall
Time Duration Venue Instructor Availability
09.00 1hr 45mins Kelvin Hall
15.45 1hr 45mins Kelvin Hall

Softplay is unavailable on this day.

Time Duration Venue Instructor Availability
11.30 1hr 45mins Kelvin Hall
17.15 1hr 45mins Kelvin Hall

Rules of Play

We’re excited to have you and your little ones here for some fun and adventure! To make sure everyone has a safe and enjoyable time, we’ve put together a few simple rules to follow. Please take a moment to read through them and help us keep the play area safe and fun for everyone.

PLEASE NOTE: Children remain the responsibility of their parent or guardian at all times.

Rules of Play 

  • Please encourage your child to use the toilet and wash their hands before joining the fun!
  • Leave badges and jewellery with parents/guardians. If your child wears glasses, ensure they have a retainer and shatter-proof lenses.
  • Shoes off, socks on! Make sure socks are worn at all times.
  • If there’s an issue, don’t hesitate to ask a member of staff for help.
  • An adult should supervise children at all times during play.
  • To keep everyone safe, please avoid playing near the slide exits.
  • Clothes with ropes or cords aren’t allowed in the play area, and no sharp objects should be brought in.
  • Fighting or bullying isn’t allowed. Anyone misbehaving may be asked to leave.
  • Please don’t climb on the netted walls or the play structures.
  • No food, drinks, or chewing gum in the play area.
  • Smoking and playing with fire are strictly prohibited.
  • If your child isn’t feeling well, it’s best they don’t enter the play area.
  • Please don’t throw balls or other objects at each other during play.
  • Please ensure children do not climb up the slides or sit/lie down on the soft play ledge as this may be unsafe.

Most importantly -  HAVE A GREAT TIME !! 


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